Post office, Gosport Octr 19 1820. Dear Sir, Necessity alone, & the want of alternative, obliges me thus to repeat my addresses to your Society & yourself: for, not having received any reply to an application of last week, by which I hoped, on that, my vouch of complete self-aban-donment to your interests; you might have aided & seconded my copious and truly earnest application to the Navy Transport Board, thro’ Earl Bathurst, to produce me passage to New Zealand, as I before have submitted to your notice: My opportunity [f] is now greatly straitened, on account of the final means, the ship Medway, is now only expecting the favourable change of Wind, to take in her complement here, & depart: wherefore I have repeated my application to Lord Bathurst, & now am depending for success only on your benevolent assistance in such my endea-vours: & should ^you not be inclined to neg-lect this offer, I am confident of my powers of nature, &,. If expedient, should be rejoiced to expedite your interests, by the complete scouring of every nook of the interior of those two great Islands ^as the simplicity of that language I know to correspond both with the present dis-positions, & future spiritual improvements [f] of the semisavage my sole assistant & conductor: & every other imposition in such situation will be received with de-light, from Dear Sir Your anxiously devoted servant Hollis Jones, Should you confer with my letters to Ld Bathurst you will find my name to differ from their assumption in the slight double alias of Horace, Jeans which I beg you to pardon as it was absolutely necessary at first & you would probably, address a reply accordingly._