Spithead 9th August 1813 On Board the Convict Ship Three Bees Rev Dear Sir, I have just received 6 Numbers of N7 of the Missionary Register and as the parcel did not contain any letter I am led to conclude they are from you, having no letter from you to Mr Marsden or any of the Missionaries I should like some instructions how I am to dispose of the Register. It affords me a peculiar pleasure to see the auspicious state of the funds of the Church Miss. Society. May its friends multiply and its members increase and may the whole earth be filled with the glory of the Lord Amen, and Amen. I have already commenced my labours on board this ship and should you have an opportunity of seeing Mr Collins of Paternoster Row he will inform you as to particulars. Permit me to notice that I am teaching our Cabin Steward (a Mahometan) the english Alphabet and as he already understands a little of the english language I am gradually unfolding the leading doctrines of christianity his faith in the Koran is already staggering and I sincerely pray and hope he will soon be numbered among the disciples of Jesus. My success in behalf of the convicts &c has been to me truly astonishing although I should wish still 100 Bibles and 50 prayer Books in addition to my present stock. The former I flatter myself I shall be able to obtain at Cork and I presume the Liberality of the Prayer book & Homily Society will furnish me with the latter, I have only 18 prayer books and although I am a Scotch Presbyterian I can sincerely assure you it would afford me much pleasure and real satisfaction could I furnish such of the Convicts &c as are Members of the English Church with prayer books. [f] Your laying this statement before the Society will be an additional obligation conferred upon me. Should they comply let a few of them be large print and in addition a Copy of the Homilies bound in boards Prayers as read on board every Sabbath. Would not the last 6 or 7 numbers of the Christian Observer be a welcome present to Mr Marsden or the Missionaries. Mr Collins is preparing a parcel for me and should my request be granted he will forward them which I beg you will remind him to do in the cheapest way he can as my carriages have already been heavier that my finances permit. Remember me with gratitude to the Rev Mr Budd for his liberal donation. And inform the prayer book Society that should they have cause to repent complying with my petition that I shall willingly bear both blame and expence on my return to England. If I have any reserve they shall be delivered over to Mr Marsden or disposed of in any other way the Society may direct. We are just getting under weight for Cork. Forgive this trouble and accept the grateful acknowledgement of Rev Dear Sir Your Sincre Wellwisher Thomas Andrew, Surgeon