December 20th 1823 N S Wales Revd & Dear Sir By this Conveyance I forward you my Journal and Copies of various Letters and other Documents connected with the Mission. From my Journal you will see the principal occurrences that took place daily while I was in New Zealand, as I noted them down as they occurred— I have answered the Queries proposed by the Society, as fully as I am able, from all the Information I could receive. You will see from the various Conversations I had with the Chiefs their views are very much enlarged, and the way is gradually preparing for the Gospel— A Nation does not easily part with their Gods, more especially their false Gods— The New Zealanders are very much under the Influence of the Prince of Darkness. He will not quietly give up his Prey— Nothing has happened since the first establishment of the Mission to the present time, but what might have been expected, especially from the Natives— As Shunghee justly observes, “we have made no new Laws, we have established no new Customs, we are only following the Institutions of our Forefathers, which we cannot as yet relinquish” [f] “Our Forefathers eat human Flesh, and taught us to do so”— Many of their Superstitions are giving way— wars they will carry on; but I think the Body of the Chiefs have less Inclination for it. Wycotto has only been once since his Return from England and he assured me he never intended to go again— He had resisted Shunghees Solicitations in his last Expeditions. When the horrid Acts of their Cannibalism are stated to the Christian world the Causes should be stated at the same time, which according to their Laws and Customs sanction these Acts— We not abhor their Cannibalism more, than they abhor our Customs of hanging Fellons— They have often remonstrated with me on that Custom— they think it is much better to kill a man with one Blow than to hang him— We do not see the New Zealanders drinking and swearing and fighting and murdering one another, as is the case in civil Society— I never saw a woman struck by a man in New Zealand nor two men fighting together nor did I even hear of a private Murder, unless Theft, Adultry [sic] or some Crime had been committed, meriting that Punishment according to their Laws— Horrid deeds of Cannibalism are committed I readily admit; and human Sacrifices are [f] offered up by them— Yet these Acts of Ignorance and Superstition only call more loudly for the aid of the Christian world to help them. Satan has them in sore Bondage— Their miseries are great both mental and bodily. In my Journal I have stated every thing as fairly, and as justly as I could in order that the Committee may form a just Idea of the Situation they are in— I think some things have been stated by the Missionaries which does not give a just Idea of their Character— and I told the Missionaries so— Persons forming their Opinion of the New Zealanders from some detached Statement, which the Missionaries may inconsiderately make, would be led to think that it would not be safe for Europeans to live amongst them— But this Opinion would not be correct. Their Conduct for nine years have proved that the Europeans have been safe in the midst of them. Their National Religion, their Laws, and Customs should be fairly weighed, in forming a true Estimate of their Characters— [f] If a Battle is fought, if a woman or man hang themselves (which is common) or if a Slave is killed, on enquiry the New Zealanders will always immediately tell you the Cause— A Chiefs wife whom I knew hung herself when I was there this time in a fit of Jealousy: her Husband for her Sake determined to follow her Example— Another Chiefs wife told me her Husband had taken another wife, and she would hang herself — I pointed out to her the Sin of such an Act; She contended that it was meritorious. Their attachments are strong, and the Enemy takes advantage of their natural Feelings to destroy them. They have no spiritual weapons to resist Satan with— They have no Sword of the Spirit, no Shield of Faith, no hope full of Glory to support and comfort them in the Hour of Temptation. We cannot be astonished at any Acts they do while under the sole dominion of the God of this World. They have no written Laws human or divine to govern themselves by: no Courts of public Justice to appeal to. I am surprised, not at the number and greatness of their public Crimes, but that they govern so well without Laws. When the Light of divine Revelation once shines upon them, it will be like the rising Sun upon the benighted world. But we must wait until the Lord of Glory arises and has mercy upon them, and continue to sow in Hope— In the above Light I view the New Zealanders I remain Dr Sir yours faithfully Samuel Marsden Revd J. Pratt