Novr 5th 1819– Revd and dear Sir, The following is an account of Provisions &c issued from the Society's Stores to the Settlement at New Zealand from the 13th Augt to the 31st of Octr – Tea 57 lbs. Sugar 460 lbs Soap 101 lbs. Flour 2485 lbs. Meat 2485 lbs. Besides a large quantity of Meat issued to the working Natives – The present expenditure of the Settlement for 50 persons, men, women & children now Rationed by the Society is as follows – Tea p. week 5 lbs. Sugar 38 lbs. Soap 11 lbs. Flour 280 lbs. Meat 280 lbs to be purchased by the Societys Trade from the Natives for furnishing the above Ration of Animal food - Independent of the above Ration for Europeans there are 30 Native men employed in sawing Timber, Agriculture &c &c to be fed and paid in articles of Barter from the Society's Store – In the above numbers there are neither Hewers of Wood nor drawers of water for domestic purposes – Dr Sir yours truly Jno Butler [f] Revd Sir I beg to add a few words to what the Revd J. Butler has stated. Pork is the only Article of Food that can be purchased at New Zealand at present. I hope the next year at the new Settlement sufficient wheat will be raised for the Support of the Settlement. Mr Butler will have to provide for the Support of the School as soon as he can. The great Expense for a time will be victualling the Europeans and Natives – but the necessary buildings and Agriculture cannot be carried on without this expence, When I return to Port Jackson I shall there have a few moments to state all these matters more fully, and of submitting to your Consideration my views of all the material objects that concern the Mission. I have the Honor to be Revd Sir Your most obedient humble Servant Samuel Marsden Revd J. Pratt