Church Missionary House, London, March 12/18 My dear Sir We have received your letters; one to myself, the other to Mr Wilson, dated Nov 12/17. We are grieved to hear of your various difficulties, & not less so to find that you accuse Mr Marsden of misrepresentations. Be assured that true humility will ever lead you to distrust & condemn yourself rather than others. Mr Marsden sent us a copy of his letter to you & Mr Hall, dated Decr 7/16. The Committee entirely concur with Mr Marsden in the sentiments of that letter, & wish you to consider it as coming from them. We hope, however, that it may have had such influence on you, as to lead you to union & peace with your brethren. Neither your letter to me nor to Mr Wilson, at all satisfied the Committee. It does not appear to us that you are zealously exerting yourself, as you should be, in promoting the objects of the Society. You must entirely conform to Mr Marsden’s directions; or return to Port Jackson & provide for yourself, independently of the Society. Consider, we beseech you, that you are maintained, at a great expence, by Christians here, for the sole object of doing good to the New Zealanders, & promoting the cause of Christ among them; & yet you dishonour the cause by unchristian conduct. We judge from your own letters, Mr Kendall has not complained of you, as you evidently do of him. We hope, however, better things of you hereafter. Consider what a field of labour you have before you. 50 Englishmen have applied, in the last year, to be sent to labour among the Heathen, & have been declined, for want of funds. Judge from this whether we can be justified, in retaining those who will not zealously exert themselves in promoting the cause of our Lord. We are, Dear Sir, Affec[tionate]ly yours, (Signed) Josiah Pratt Edward Bickersteth