Church Missionary House, London, March 12/18 My dear Sir We have received your communication of the 22nd of August, since we wrote to you by the Tottenham on the 24th Nov[ember]. While we are gratified with your perseverance in the Mission the determination which you express to labour for the benefit of the New Zealanders, we are by no means pleased with the way in which you express yourself of Mr Kendall. We meet with no complaints from him against you, & we should have been glad to see that you had exercised a similar forbearance. You did not duly count the cost, if you did not expect to have to bear one another’s burdens. Mr Marsden has sent us a copy of a letter to you & to Mr King dated Dec[embe]r 7/16. We quite concur in the sentiments expressed in that letter, & hope that it may have had a due effect upon you both, that you are now cordially & unitedly pursuing the objects of the Mission. We have not an opportunity by the present Vessel, of sending any thing except letters. We will attend to the particulars which you mention in the next Investment which we may send to Mr Marsden. We were much grieved to hear of Mrs Hall’s distressing wounds & bruises, when you were attacked at Wytanghee. We trust that the whole circumstance will induce you to yield implicit obedience hereafter to Mr Marsden’s directions. Your neglect of this was evidently the great cause of that trouble. While we speak thus plainly, be assured that we shall rejoice to hear that you are zealously labouring to benefit the New Zealanders. We are not so anxious that you should maintain yourself independantly [sic] of the Society, as that you should give yourself wholly to the Saviour in promoting his cause & Glory. We are, dear Sir, Ever affect[ionate]ly yours, (Signed) Josiah Pratt Edward Bickersteth