Parramatta New South Wales April 3rd 1817 Revd Sir The following is as near an Estimate as can be made of the future Annual Expences of the Settlement at New Zealand consisting of Mr Kendall Wife Six Children & Man Servant Mr King Do & 2 Children Mr Carlisle & Wife Mr Chas Gordon Do & 1 Child Making a Total of 6 Men 5 Women & 11 children, viz. 150 Bushels of Wheat a 10/ pr. B 75 0 0 1000 lb. Rice a 30/s pr. Cwt. 15 0 0 1000 “ Sugar a 10/s pr. Lb 35 0 0 2 Chests of Tea a 20/s . . . 40 0 0 2 Cwt. of Soap 10 0 0 200 Axes of different sizes. . . 25. 0. 0 Salt. . . 10. 0. 0 Blacksmith’s Work . . . 30. 0. 0 Iron and Steel . . . 15. 0. 0 Expences of Active Brig 250. 0. 0 A little additional Rice and Clothing for the School is required To the Am[oun]t of about 20. 0. 0 Salaries . . . . 320. 0. o 845. 0. 0 Iron and Steel in stores for 3 years and Soap for 2 and most other Stores. The principal Article that will be wanted are large Fish Hooks which should be packed in tin cases [f] as the Salt Water spoiled the last sent out. It is to be hoped that Mr Gordon will soon grow a sufficient quantity of grain for the maintenance of the settlement and that Messrs. Hall and King will do something towards lessening the expences. This I shall ascertain when the Active returns as I intend writing to them on that subject. Messrs Kendall and Carlisle will be wholly employed in the School— There will be some Expence attending the Natives at Parramatta but I think it will not exceed £100 pr Annum. When the Active returns I will write to you again when I shall be able to inform you more fully on the subject relative to the expences. If the Active should be more fortunate in future I should hope her Expences will also be considerably decreased. I remain Reverend Sir Your most obed[ien]t Ser[van]t Samuel Marsden To The Revd Josiah Pratt Secretary to the Church Missionary Society N.B. The Spirit of the times in this Colony I hope will alter; and I trust a little aid will be procured here. He that now letteth will by and by be taken out of the way— many of the Pharisees believed on jesus but they durst not confess him, for fear of the Jews, lest they should be put out of the Synagogue. [f] P.S. As a Bible Society is now formed here I shall be much obliged by your paying up my Subscription of £1,1s per annum to the present time, whatever it may be I will you Credit for in your account— I shall now pay the money to the auxiliary we have formed—