Parramatta March 16 1816 Dear Sir The enclosed documents I wish you to see previous to their being sent to the Revd G. Burder, as the Good of both their, and your Mission are interested in them— I shall be glad if any measures can be adopted to redress the Evils therein stated— I have taken all the Steps in my Power in this Colony— The Walker, mentioned in the Letter of our Supreme Judge, I understand has been ordered Home to take his trial— This man committed many Acts of fraud and Opprfession at N. Zealand, and hung a man at Otaheite— I lodged a criminal Information against him before our Late Judge Advocate [f] and after the depositions were taken the Judge recommended that he should be sent to England but the Governor did not approve of this Step, and I have some Reason to think he will not be sent Home now tho an order I know has been sent for him from the Secretary of State— Walker is till [sic] at large; and if such daring wicked men are not punished I am very much afraid the most fatal Consequences will follow— Such characters would excite the Natives to any Acts of Violence against the Missionaries in these Islands, and have them cut off thro Revenge— I must leave this matter to the wisdom of your Committee and hope their powerful Influence with those in Authority will be productive of some especial Good. I am Dr Sir Yours truly Saml Marsden [f] P.S. Be so good as to forward the documents and small Otaheitean Spelling Books to Mr Burder— I have sent you a few things I have had printed for Mr Kendall— He has done much in so short a time— The Matts which are not addressed to any Individual you will do with them as you think Proper— I have sent you the Sydney Gazette as late, and as far back as I could procure them— No complete Set can be obtained in the Colony— I have got you all I could—