Parramatta, Octr 25. 1815 Revd Sir At the Request of my Friend & Colleague the Revd R. Cartwright, I write to say, that he has a pious Son intended for the Ministry, and now at Oxford. Mr Cartwright is very anxious, if his Son should by his pious and Christian Conduct recommend himself to his religious Friends, that he should be taken in due time into the Service of the Church Missionary Society, and sent out as a Clergyman to New Zealand. He hopes by the Period that his Son is ready for ordination, that the Settlement will be completely formed, and a way opened for the regular administration of the word of God. Should Mr Cartwright’s Proposal meet the views of the Society, he wishes that his Son should be informed of them, in order that his mind may be gradually preparing for New Zealand. I am Dr Sir Your most obedient Hum[b]l[e] Ser[van]t Saml Marsden Revd J. Pratt &c &c &c