A List of Articles wanted for the Use of the Active, and the Settlement on New Zealand 1 Ton of Inch Square Iron 5 Ton of Flat bar Iron for hoes, axes &c 1/2 Ton of Hoop Iron 1/2 Ton of Common Steel A few Spades A quantity of Gimblets and Augers of different sizes 10 gross of Pit and hand files 20 dozn of Carpenters Chissels of different sizes 20 dozn of Single plane Irons 1/2 dozn Steel Wheat Mills A few dozn middle sized Iron Pots 10 gross Fish hooks different sizes principally large 3 Casks containing 8d. 10d & 12d nails 2 Boxes of Tin A few Gross of Common Scissars 6 dozn Frying Pans Some Iron Spoons & a few dozn Tin Pots 3 Setts of hackles one fine & one sett Course for Hemp 6 gross of Small tooth & common combs 12 dozn of Carpenters Adzes 3 Boxes of Window Glass 20 dozn of Tommy Hawks 20 dozen of Sickles 8 Pit & 4 cross cut saws 2 Pit saws as long as can be procured— 6 gross Common Knives & Forks 6 gross do without Forks 6 Brass Wire Flour Sives 6 gross small looking Glasses 100 Cwt Glass beads of the best quality. Red, Blue, Yellow & Green 3 or 4 Small Anvils 3 or 4 pair of Smiths Bellows 12 Gross of Jews harps 1/2 Ton Common Yellow Soap 12 gross of Common flutes & 12 gross of Fifes 12 Hand bells 1 gross Common Pewter plate for the Chiefs 12 gross Small Garden hoes A box of Peacock’s feathers A few pieces of Red, White & Blue bunting as Colors for the Canoes A Bail of red flannel Shirts 1 Box of Stationary [sic] For the Brig Active ----------------------------------------- 20 Bolts of Canvas Cordage of different sizes & a few Coils 3 dozn Blocks of different sizes 2 Barrels of Tar and one of Pitch 20 or 30 Sheets of Copper for the use of Vessel Samuel Marsden