Rules and regulations for the Government of the Mission and Settlement formed by the Church ^of England Missionary Society at the Northern Island of New Zealand in the South Seas. 1 The Society supplying every person permanently engaged in this Mission, not only with certain fixed annual salaries and regular sufficient supplies of provisions but also being engaged to support the widows and orphans, of any and every person dying in the service of the Mission & It is ordered that no person engaged in this Mission shall be allowed upon any account of pretence whatever to acquire or ^to hold any private or individual property, real, landed, or personal in New Zealand, distinct from or other than such as shall and may be granted by the society their superintendent or Agent neither shall any trade or traffic what=ever be carried on with the natives of New Zealand or with any Ship of person touching there. But only for the general account and benefit of the Mission, all private and individual Trade and Traffic being prohibited. 2d That the Labour and services of every person engaged in this Mission shall be considered as belonging tom and be entirely devoted to the general purposes of the Mission, and that the produce of every person’s Labour and services shall belong to the society and be disposed of for the general use and benefit of the Mission as directed by the superintendent. And every person shall do and perform, whatever the superintendant shall direct, according to the Nature of his particular office trade and calling, and shall render an account thereof to the superintendant from time to time as he shall require. 3 That a sufficient number of Dwelling Houses shall be erected as soon as ^it conveniently can be done for each person permanently engaged in the Mission and a sufficient quantity of land for a Garden, yard &c allotted to each House. That every family shall have a dwelling house and be allowed to cultivate the allotment of Land attahched thereto for their private ^individual benefit. But to have no right whatever to the use of either house or Garden Land any longer than they shall continue faithfully in the Service of the Mission, and obedient to the regulations, thereof according to the judgement of the superintendant. 4 That all property of every description either raised at the Settlement, procured from the Natives, and in every other way and manner whatever, shall be deposited in the Mission store House and from the use and from thence [f] distributed to the persons engaged in the Mission according to their wants, or otherwise disposed of to the best advantage for account of the Mission. And that all supplies for the Mission shall be also deposited in the Mission store house and from thence distributed in the same manner as above mentioned. 5 That rations of provisions according to the following scale shall be weekly issued from the Mission store by the storekeeper to be appointed by the superintendant. viz for every man 8lbs. flour – 5lbs. salt pork – or 7lbs. fresh meat – 1lb. sugar – 2oz Tea & 1/4lb soap. For every woman 6lbs Flour – 4lbs Salt Pork or 6lbs fresh meat – 1lb sugar 2oz Tea – 1/4lb soap, and for every Child 4lbs. flour – 2lb salt Pork – or 3lb fresh meat 1/2lb sugar – 1oz Tea – 2oz Soap P Week respectively, or so much of other provisions as shall be equivalent thereon. The Superintendant to be at liberty to increase the ration if he shall find it necessary and prudent so to do. And all medical attention and medicine shall be supp=lied as well and sufficiently as means and Circumstances will allow. – 6 For the preservation of peace order and good will, It is ordered that all disputes and differences between any person and persons engaged in or attached to this mission shall be examined and enquired into and determined by the superintendant whose decision shall be binding and conclusive on the parties – allowing an appeal to the Agent at New South Wales, or the Committee in England to any party finding himself aggrieved by such decision. 7 That the superintendant shall once a month or oftner if he shall think fit convene a meeting of the men permanently engaged in this Mission, with whom he shall Consult and advise upon all matters of importance in any wise concerning or affecting the Mission. 8 That The Reverend John Butler superintendant of the Mission appointed by the Committee of the Society shall superintend direct order and manage all and every matter and thing whatsoever and of every Kind nature and degree belonging to or affecting or concerning the mission at New Zealand. That all and every Person engaged in and attached to the Mission shall be subject to and obey all his orders and directions according to their several offices trades and calling and shall [f] account to him for all their Labour and time and all matt=ers entrusted to them – shall receive orders from him, and make returns to him always in important matters reserving the right of appeal as before mentioned to any party feeling themselves aggrieved. 9 That if the superintendant shall at any time judge that the Conduct of any person or persons engaged in or attached to this mission is unfaithful and disobedient to the Rules and Regulations of the Mission and injurious and contrary or opposed to the great object and purposes of the Mission, he the superintendant shall thereupon convene a special meeting of the men permanently engaged in the Mission excepting the person or persons acc=used to enquire into ande decide upon the matter or accusation, and if two thirds of the members of the meeting are of opinion the person so accused ought to be suspended from the mission, the Superintendant may suspend the party, or partys accused until the Decision of the Agent at New South Wales or Committee in England be made Known thereupon, provided always that the Charge or accusation be reduced to writing as well as the opinion or decision of the said meeting, and an opportunity be given to the party accused to make his defence, the whole proceeding to be forwarded to the agent at New South Wales and the Committee in London. 10 That the Superintendant shall keep a regular Journal of all the Transactions of the Society and its several members including himself, a copy of which shall be forwarded quarterly to the Agent at New South Wales and the Committee in London. —