Sydney N.S.Wales April 18th 1823 Abshd. Revd Sir, The Rev. Mr Marsden having laid before us the copy of a letter which he received the last evening from Captain Irvine, relative to the disso-lution of the Corresponding Committee, the original of which letter has been forwarded to you by that Gentleman; and your Committee having also noticed the same subject; we deem it necessary to observe, that the time the Corresponding Committee was dissolved, the spirit of opposition ran so high against Mr Marsden, as to leave us no other alternative for the majority of the members to adopt than this measure. Many circumstances have since occurred which have fully shewn not only the wisdom of that measure, but also the necessity of it. The Rev T Kendall was so much encouraged in his opposition to the injunctions laid upon him by Mr Marsden against bartering muskets and powder with the natives of New Zealand, that he told Mr Marsden that he would neither obey his orders, nor those of your Committee and he has acted in defiance of both. The Rev. Mr Butler would never have presumed to treat Mr Marsden with such contempt To The Rev Josiah Pratt &c &c &c [f] and public abuse when in the Colony, if he had not been encouraged to do so by persons on the spot. There can be no doubt, but Mr Butler calculated that Mr Marsden would be driven from his post by the united force of the ungodly and the Christian world so-called. Should Capt Irvine, at any future period, lay any statements before your Committee meriting its notice, we have no doubt but a full and satisfactory explanation can be given to any thing that may be alleged. We beg further to observe that Mr Marsden has laid before us the various documents received by the Morley and Lord Lidmouth, containing the resolutions of your Committee Correspondence, and other instructions: and we would assure your Committee that it is our ardent wish to second all your views and exertions for the benefit of the New Zealanders, and we firmly believe that God will crown your Labours with success, and pour his blessings upon these heathens. As soon as time will permit, we will communicate to you our views on all the important subjects submitted to our consideration in conjunction with the Rev. Mr. Marsden. We have the Honor to be Rev: Sir, Your obedn servants Robt Cartwright Richard Hill [f] The Venerable sailing so early as to prevent my previously by seeing the papers above alluded so I beg leave to state that I fully coincide with the sentiments expressed by the Reverend Messr. Cartwright & Hill – and would also add that I have examined for myself seriously the reports raised agt. The Revd. Mr Marsden & the more I have done so the greater reason have I felt to admire & appreciate his character. James Chandler