Parramatta June 9 1819 Dear Sir I send you a Map of the large Island of New Zealand as far as Mr Kendall has been able to gain any Knowledge from the natives relative to the Rivers &c. The large Rivers seem to empty themselves into the Sea on the west Side – How far it may prove correct hereafter cannot be ascertained at the present time – However it will be sufficient to shew that the island is well watered, and these Rivers may at some distant Period become advantagous for Commerce – [f] We shall learn more of the Country as we become acquainted with the Inhabitants – Captain Watson will deliver this, and will be able to give you some Idea of the People to the South of the East Cape. The Whalers have derived very considerable advantage as Captain Watson can state from the Settlement at the Bay of Islands, and I hope the owners will be ready to aid the Society in any way they can. I think the Chart may be amusing to you and therefore send it – I remain Dear Sir Yours very sincerely Saml Marsden Revd J. Pratt