Bay of Islands March 30—1819 We the undersigned Missionary Settlers in the service of the Honorable the Church Missionary Society actuated by a desire to promote the general comfort and prosperity of this Settlement do hereby promise and agree. That from and after the date hereof we will not as individuals enter into any plans of private commerce nor at any time dispose of to Captains of Ships or any other persons either by way of presents or barter any Hogs, Pork, Potatoes or Indian Corn except for the benefit and by the consent of the whole body of Settlers and at such a time as the affairs of the Settlement will admit, and that we will in such cases each contribute according to the number of persons in our respective families a proportionate quantity of the article so disposed of, in order that each family may be made partaker of a proportionate share of the benefit. That provided any individual settler should procure from the Natives at his own private expence; or by means of his own industry any of the abovementioned [sic] articles and be willing to part with them to the body of settlers, and the Body of Settlers agree to receive them; then each settler shall bear a proportionate part of the prime cost, or contribute a proportionate part of the value at New Zealand. Witness our hands Wm Carlisle Chas Gordon Thos Kendall John King I have taken a Copy of this Agreement sent to me and have forwarded the original. Hall’s name is not to it. He is a very stubborn Ass and never will be properly broke in to the yoke Saml Marsden