Parramatta, March 27th 1817 Sir/ We have maturely considered the Plan of establishing a small Colony at New Zealand as suggested by the Revd Andrew Cheap; and have little doubt but it would answer provided suitable Persons could be met with who would act in unity and conduct themselves with Propriety— All who are conversant with mankind know that this can hardly be expected in a Body of People who are remote from all legal Restraint, and left so much at Liberty to act and think for themselves— There are a thousand Motives in a regular civil Government that operate upon men’s minds and induce them to live in Subordination and good friendship, which exist not in uncivilized Nations.— To introduce the Arts of Civilization at New Zealand by the establishment of a small Colony is a very desirable object, and we think there would be little difficulty in doing this as far as the New Zealanders would be concerned since they are so anxious for Europeans to reside amongst them. The danger would be from the want of Subordination amongst the Colonists— When Men are placed in new Situations and do not meet with all those Comforts and Conveniences which they expected they generally become discontented, fretful and ungovernable. This has been the Case repeatedly in the Society Islands amongst the Missionaries there, and by which a very heavy expence has several times been brought upon the Society— We are of opinion that this evil, in the nature of things cannot by any human Wisdom be avoided, and therefore ought to be taken into estimate, when a Colony is formed. The vicinity of this Country to New Zealand would no doubt greatly facilitate the establishment of such a Colony— As many of the disaffected, or disappointed might at a [f] small Expence be removed to New South Wales, and relieve both themselves and the Colony of New Zealand.— Horses and Horned Cattle &c might easily be transported from hence to New Zealand— and here they are becoming very cheap. The Colonists might soon have all the common necessaries of Life within themselves. They would have a good soil, a fine Climate, a well Watered Country, plenty of Timber, and would command what Laborers they might require at a small expence from the Inhabitants, to carry all their various operations of Agriculture &c— With respect to the Plan of the Vessel which the Revd Andrew Cheap also recommends, we think this could hardly fail of Success and would greatly aid the exertions of your Society towards the civilization of the New Zealanders. Those who employed their Money to such a benevolent Purpose, might upon fair Grounds expect to reap some advantage in a commercial view. We have consulted some of the most inteligent [sic] Merchants in this Colony— who think such a Plan would answer well.— The Vessel would no doubt be able to get a Freight out, either from Government or private Merchants who trade to this Colony, if the owners should not send out a Cargo themselves, but in case they should do this, we enclose a List of such Articles as are most in demand here, and which would sell in general.— The Vessel might return to England with a Cargo of Wool, and Oil from this Country and New Zealand— On the Plan of a Vessel the Active Brig might then be profitably employed, making the Bay of Islands her regular Station; during all the fishing Season She might be procuring Oil foo [sic for for] England— We have sent you a Letter upon this Subject from the present Master of the Active, a very respectable Married Man.— If Mr Cheap’s Plan was adopted, many of the New Zealanders would be employed in the vessels which would bring them forward very fast— [f] At present the Articles of Export from New Zealand would be Sperm Oil, Timber of various kinds, Flax which might be made into Cordage upon the Spot— These commercial Articles would find constant Employment for both the Vessels and the Natives.— The Active cannot at present furnish the means to bring these Articles to Market to meet her own Expenses— but if employed as Mr Thompson points out She might clear herself and aid the mission.— Since the Settlers have been so kindly treated by the Natives, Ships can now enter their Harbours with Safety— We strongly recommend the Revd A. Cheap’s Plan both of a Vessel and a Small Colony of select Characters composed of Agriculturests [sic] and Mechanics.— If this Plan is not established by those who are real Friends to religion it is our decided opinion that some such measure will be adopted by others, who have no pious feeling towards the Heathens— and which may prove injurious to the Mission. We regret that the Expenses have been so heavy up to the present time— This has arisen partly from many untoward and unforseen [sic] Circumstances, and partly from the high prices of Labor here, and the difficulty there has been to induce Workmen to go to New Zealand to assist in erecting the necessary Buildings. As the Buildings are now completed and the Workmen withdrawn the Expenses will be proportionably [sic] decreased— no more Stores need to be sent out for a long time, as we are now well Supplied excepting a little Clothing for the settlers and Native Children— We have engaged a very respectable young man Charles Gordon for the Term of Three Years from the first of last January at £60 per annum— as Superintendent of Agriculture. His Father came out originally as Free Settler— We hope by his Exertions the Settlement will soon be rendered Independent of this Country for supplies of Grain. William Carlisle as mentioned by Messrs Marsden & Kendall [f] in former Letters as assistant to Mr Kendall in the School is come over for his Family and will return again in the Active— We believe Mr Carlisle is a pious man, Mr Kendall approves of him much— Had Messrs Hall and King acted with propriety, and united cordially with Mr Kendall in the Work, there might not have been that necessity of sending over assistance to Mr Kendall that their want of Cooperation has rendered necessary— In a Letter which Mr Marsden wrote by the Queen Charlotte, a Copy of which is sent to you he gave them both Permission to leave New Zealand is they wished— it would not have been prudent to have left Mr Kendall alone— Should they return, we shall on the return of the Active from New Zealand be better able to give you a Statement of the annual Expenses in future than at present and in the mean time shall use our utmost endeavours to keep the amount within the Sum you mention— From the Knowledge we have of the Principal Chiefs who are and have been at Parramatta, we can have n o doubt but the New Zealanders will soon become a Civilized Nation— We have the Honor to be Revd Sir Your Ob[edien]t H[um]ble Servants Samuel Marsden Robt Cartwright John Youll To The Revd Josiah Pratt Secretary to the Church Missionary Society