C.M. House, London Sep 5/[18]16 My Dear Sir I have various letters of yours before me— (1) To Mr Woodd, of Feb.13/15— (2) To Mr Marsden, of July 6/15 (3) Rough copy of papers— (4) to me, of Jan.19 to Jan 29/16. Many of your Statements are very interesting to the Committee; but they are much grieved to learn, by your Letters and those of Mr Hall and Mr King, sent by Capt Graham, of the Katharine, that you have not been at peace among yourselves. The great enemy has succeeded in his malicious designs, and, unless God, of His infinite mercy bring those who have been wrong, to repentance and a right mind, His work will be delayed and hindered by the want of Faith and Obedience in those who have taken it in hand. It is impossible for the Committee, at this distance, to understand your affairs so as to give decisive opinions upon them. A Cor.[responding] Com.[mittee] is now appointed at Port Jackson. The whole management of the Mission is entrusted to them. Whatever articles of supply any of the Settlers want shall be sent to them. The Com.[mittee] will send us any Indent of all such supplies, and of whatever they wish to have sent out for carrying on the Society’s designs. You will transmit to that Com.[mittee] full and regular reports of the Settlement, and they will transmit them home to us. On the subject of private Trade the Committee do very strongly enjoin the most implicit regard to the regulations of Mr Marsden and his coadjutors of the [f] Corresponding Com[mittee], as well, indeed, as to whatever regulations they may judge it their duty, under all your circumstances, and their knowledge of the case, to lay down on other points. Your representations and wishes will, no doubt, receive full and kind attention from our friends, who have no other object in view than our own, and we trust yours— the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom. You will find full statements in the M[issionary] Register of the Society’s proceedings. The Com.[mittee] send out by this opportunity a considerable Investment for the support of its designs. This is the third. Were there time to procure them, the articles of clothing which you specify should be sent. Probably we may send, when opportunity offers, a larger supply than that for which you write, out of which the [f] Corr[esponding] Com[mitte]e may furnish all the Settlers in payment of their Salaries; but every thing of this nature will, doubtless, be adjusted by them in the same kind and friendly spirit in which we always desire to act toward you all. We will pay £5.12.9 to the Naval and Military Bible Society, and £3.1.5 to the British and Foreign B[ible] S[ociety] on account of allowance for your daughters as you request. Stationary is now sent, out of which the Cor[responding] Com[mitte]e will supply you and your companions. The other articles shall be sent when their [sic] is opportunity. Your account of Duaterra is very affecting. May it stir us up to pray for the wretched Heathen. It rejoices us to observe you have made an entrance in little works for the instruction of the Natives in reading their own tongue. We wish copies of all pieces of this discription [sic], when printed, to be sent home perhaps 20 or 30 of each. Your Matts and curiosities were very acceptable. There is much interest excited in behalf of New Zealand. Only shew us, by your mutual love and steady zeal, that there is encouragement for Christians to unite with you and strengthen your hands, and but a very few years will pass before many will come out to help you. Please to inform Mr Hall and Mr King that we have received their letters [f] by the Katherine. I intended to write to both of them by this opportunity but am obliged to send my dispatches immediately. You will be so good as to read to them what I have here written, and desire them to consider it as addressed to themselves. May our God bless you all, and give youu grace to serve Him faithfully in the Gospel of His Son, in a spirit of humility and self-denial. Let no man take your crown! I am, Dear Sir, Ever truly yours (signed) Josiah Pratt Mowhee is under Mr Woodd’s care [and] will be sent out soon.