Duplicate Secretary's Office Sydney 17 Novr 1814 Revd Sir/ Being now on the eve of your departure for the Islands of New Zealand, and His Excellency the Governor being anxious to promote the interests of the Crown conjointly with those of the Christian Religion on this occasion, wishes to avail himself of your superior activity Zeal and intelligence. For this purpose His Excellency desires that you will explore as much of the Sea Coasts and the interior of these Islands, as your limited time, a due regard to your personal safety and that of your associates, and the other circumstances of your Mission will reasonably admit. By these means you will be enabled to form a correct judgment of the nature and quality of the soil, its various productions, and its general capabilities, and your observations with regard to the Coasts will furnish you with means of appreciating the relative advantages of the Harbours as connected with the productions of the interior. Those Harbours which possess plentiful supplies of fresh Water with safe Anchorage for shipping will necessarily claim your particular attention. Should a satisfactory report be made to His Excellency on the foregoing particulars, he will feel it his duty to represent it to His Majesty's Government which may probably be thereby induced to form a permanent establishment on those Islands and under these considerations His Excellency desires your particular attention [f] to the foregoing circumstances and that on your return hither you will make him a full report in writing of your progress, and observations together with the success which may attend your mission. I have the honor to be Revd Sir Your Obdt Hble Servt Jno Thos Campbell Secy To Revd Samuel Marsden prince Chaplain in New South Wales (A Copy)