NATIVES OF SOUTH SEA ISLANDS No Ship or Vessel shall clear out from any oth[er] [port] within the Territory for New Zealand, or any other Island in the South pacific, unless the master, if of British or Indian, or the master and owners if of plantation registry, shall enter into bonds with the Naval Officer under £1000 penalty that themselves [and] crew shall properly demean themselves towards the natives, and not commit acts of trespass on their Gardens, lands, habitations, burial grounds, tombs, or properties, and not make war or at all interfere in their quarrels, or exite any animosities among them, but leave them to the free enjoyment of their rites and ceremonies; and not take from the Island any male Native without his own and his Chiefs and parents Consent, and shall not ship or take from thence any female Native, without the like, consent and without having first obtained the consent of His Excellency the Governor or his Secretary in waiting, or in case of Shipping any male natives as Marinars [sic] divers &c. then at their own request at any time to discharge them, first paying them all wages &c due to them and the natives of all the said Islands being under His Majesty’s protection, all acts of rapine, plunder, piracy, murders, or other outrages against their persons or property will upon conviction be severely punished— December 1 1813 The above was written by a native of New Zealand, who returns with the Vessel to his own Country— he is a young [f] man, about 17, or 18 years old, was brought originally in a Whaler from there and left at Norfolk Island where a Mr Drummond took him, and was good to him taught him to read, and write, he has lived with me some time, and is a good young man very moral and well behaved. Saml Marsden Government and General order For Decemr 1813